Sitting On The Floor and Longevity

In recent years, sitting on the floor has become increasingly popular, as more and more people have discovered the many benefits it …

We are sure by now you’ve heard all about the benefits of yoga. But have you ever considered doing yoga for your …

Humans have undergone a series of evolutions since the emergence of homo sapiens as a distinct species. We have come a long …

Acupuncture may appear scary, but there is evidence that it can help – a lot. Acupuncture is a 2500-year-old healing technique of …

Maybe a weighted blanket is all you need to sleep better. Are you pulling an involuntary all-nighter again? Have you been counting …

Psychological stress is ever-present and long-lasting in the current society. The medical risks are on the rise due to the persistence and …

Nasal Breathing

While we often take breathing for granted due to the simple fact that it’s instinctual, unconscious even, the breath is a powerful …

What is Ozone Therapy & How Does it Work? During the rise of holistic, alternative medicine, several treatments and protocols contrary to …

Regain Your Natural Vision by Doing Eye Exercises

While many seek out medications, surgeries, and prescription glasses as the only way to “cure” vision problems, there may be a better …

There’s nothing new about exposing your body to extreme temperatures to achieve a particular biological response. In centuries past, being exposed to …