While many seek out medications, surgeries, and prescription glasses as the only way to “cure” vision problems, there may be a better solution that tends to be ignored and forgotten about.
The solution? Eye exercises.
Yep, you heard that right; eye exercises. Not only can they improve and correct impaired vision but can also relieve pain and discomfort at the source.

Although research is yet to be conclusive on the effectiveness and validity of eye exercises, there’s a reason that many eye doctors prescribe this holistic approach – because it works.
Now, that’s not to say it’s always the solution. After all, eye exercises are just that; exercises. They aren’t, however, a magic pill. As such, they should be treated as a first option, but not the only option. In severe cases of impaired or damaged eye conditions, for example, eye exercises may be useless.
Nevertheless, eye exercises are an effective tool to have in your toolbox for regaining your natural vision back. At the very least, it doesn’t do any harm to try…
In this article, we’ll be discussing why eye exercises can be an effective solution for impaired vision, what symptoms it may or may not benefit, and what exercises you can begin to implement to regain YOUR natural vision.
So, are you ready to see the world with a better, brighter vision? Well, keep reading!
The Benefits of Eye Exercises
First, what are eye exercises? In short, they can be thought of as a type of physical therapy or yoga session for your eyes. They also have a unique ability to correct certain brain connections as it pertains to vision.

The overall intention is simple. To improve, heal, and repair your vision.
As mentioned in the preface of the article, eye exercises aren’t intended to be a one-for-all approach to healing. If you have a vision impairment like near or farsightedness, for example, eye exercises aren’t likely to benefit.
If you struggle with eye strain or blurry vision, on the other hand, eye exercises will likely be your savior. In what follows, we’ll discuss some potential benefits that may be realized from doing eye exercises.
Note, however, that more research needs to be done in order to conclusively guarantee such results from occurring.
Below are some of the main benefits, both realized and potential, of eye exercises:
- May improve the quality of your eyesight
- May reduce the pressure inside your eye (i.e. improving glaucoma, for example)
- May aid in recovery post-surgery
- May relieve eye strain
- May improve focus
- May reduce stress
- May strengthen the musculature of the eye

Before taking part in any or all of the exercises that follow, it’s important to consult with your doctor or optometrist. They will better be able to assess your condition and advise on whether or not eye exercises may be beneficial for you.
Nevertheless, eye exercises are a great tool to have in your toolbox, and at the very least, can provide some hope for those that may only see surgery, medication, or prescription glasses as the only solutions.
Examples of Effective Eye Exercises
Below are the top three eye exercises one can implement to begin to regain their natural vision. While some of these exercises may not “heal” your problem, they will, at the very least, assist in focus, strain, and discomfort, among other things.
Finger Focus
This exercise is great for teaching the eye to focus. Once seated, simply straighten your arm out in front of you with your thumb point upwards. Once your eyes have locked vision on the thumb, begin rotating your arm to the right and left.
The key here is to remain still, with no movement of the neck or chin. Instead, the movement is only executed by the eyes.
Repeat several times over the course of a consistent exercise regimen to see the best results.
Near and Far Focus
As mentioned previously, eye exercises may not “cure” near and farsightedness, however, they can certainly aid in improving it. This exercise is executed the same way as the finger focus exercise is executed.
However, instead of moving your arm/thumb from right to left, you’re going to hold your thumb about 10 inches in front of your face. Engage by focusing on the thumb for 15-30 seconds, followed by shifting your focus to a target 20 feet in the distance. To finish, regain your focus on the thumb.
Repeat several times over the course of a consistent exercise regimen for best results.
Rolling of the Eyes
This exercise isn’t what you think. Rolling of the eyes isn’t what you typically see during an argument. Instead, it’s a rehab exercise used to improve and correct vision.
Jokes aside, rolling of the eyes can also be referred to as the figure eight. Begin in a seated position and choose an imaginary image about 6 feet in front of you. Simply trace the imaginary image in a figure-eight pattern with your eyes, keeping your neck and chin still.
Trace the image for 15-30 seconds and repeat in the other direction!

In Summary
While more research certainly needs to be done on the effectiveness of eye exercises for impaired vision, it’s certainly a popular option for those seeking an alternative to eyeglasses, surgery, or medication.
As always, it’s imperative to consult with your doctor or optometrist, especially in more chronic and severe cases of eye damage.
Nevertheless, eye exercises CAN be an effective tool to use for those suffering from blurred vision, dry eyes, eye strain, and more!
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”