We all live busy lives, constantly being bombarded with new external stimuli. Whether you do shift work, travel frequently, pull all-nighters to study, or suffer from insomnia, your internal clock, or circadian rhythm can get thrown for a loop.
This can wreak havoc on your overall health, sleep quality, mood, and ultimately your performance in everyday life. Luckily, there are solutions.

Hitting the reset button on your sleep-wake schedule is imperative to getting back on track, getting a restful night’s sleep, and regaining control of your overall health and well-being.
But how do you go about resetting your sleep-wake schedule? More importantly, what even is a sleep-wake schedule?!
In this article, we’ll be answering these two pressing questions and more. In addition, we’ll be sharing the powerful benefits of sleep and why it’s so important to your health.
So without further ado, if you’re ready to learn about the importance of the zzz’s and how to regain control of it, keep on reading!
Let’s get right into it, shall we?!
What is A Sleep-Wake Schedule?
Otherwise known as your circadian rhythm, your sleep-wake schedule is a 24-hour internal clock that alerts your body when it’s time for bed, and when it’s time to tackle the day.
In short, it’s your brain responding to external stimuli and determining your wakefulness or sleepiness.
When your circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake schedule, is optimally aligned, the result is restful, restorative, and resolute sleep. As you’ll come to learn, a night of restful, deep sleep is key for maintaining good health.
On the contrary, however, when your circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake schedule, is misaligned and thrown off, the result is poor sleep, inconsistent sleep, and insomnia. This, as you’ll come to learn, ultimately winds up affecting your mood, your functionality, and your relationships, and your health.
If you’re still not sold on the importance of sleep, here are some of the most common benefits that come from a solid night’s rest.
Read more on types of rest here.
The Powerful Benefits of Sleep

A lack of sleep doesn’t just make you cranky and tired. A lack of sleep compounded over time can have a major impact on your health, well-being, and can even increase your risk of several medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke, some cancers, obesity, and more.
On the contrary, a restful night’s sleep compounded over time can have drastic benefits to your health and well-being. Below are just some of the many benefits of catching that quality zzz’s nightly.
- Improved brain function & cognition
- Boost in mood, productivity, and functionality
- Improved heart health and other biomarkers (blood sugar, blood pressure, etc.)
- Increased athletic performance
- Better maintenance of weight
- Reduced risk of various medical conditions
- Greater motivation
In short, sleep is probably the most valuable tool we as humans have in our toolbox. So, how do you go about resetting your sleep-wake schedule if it’s become misaligned? Great question…
Tips for Resetting Your Circadian Rhythm
Sleep isn’t something that we have full control over; it’s why some suffer from insomnia for no apparent reason while others don’t. However, whether you suffer from insomnia or not, there are several lifestyle factors, tips, and tricks that can get you back on track with your sleep.
For starters, you need to follow a consistent sleep schedule. By being inconsistent with the time at which you go to bed and wake up each day, your internal clock becomes confused and out of sorts.
Unfortunately, this can’t always be avoided. As mentioned in the preface of this article, you may be a shift worker, travel often, have an infant or suffer from insomnia. In that case, you may need to take matters into your own hands by implementing as many tips provided in this article as you can, or in the most severe of cases, seek medical advice.
Below are some ways how you can reset your sleep-wake schedule:
- Avoid or extremely limit your exposure to light before bed (blue light especially). This includes dimming the lights, turning off the screens, and putting away all electronic devices.
- Avoid or extremely limit caffeine consumption. At the very least, eliminate it before bedtime. Obviously stated, caffeine is a stimulant and stimulants are counterintuitive to sleep.
- Exercise daily. Remaining active throughout the day can support your internal clock and leave you feeling tired and ready for bed when the time comes.
- Implement a nightly bedtime routine; relax, read, meditate, practice breathing exercises, journal, stretch, etc.
- Optimize your bedroom temperature. Research shows that rooms between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit are most optimal.
- Seek out natural sleep aids. Melatonin is the most common of choices. Research suggests that 3-5 mg before bed is most effective.
If your sleep persists to be an issue, and the lifestyle changes above haven’t been effective, it’s important to visit a doctor. If gone undiagnosed, a sleep disorder like insomnia can become a serious long-term problem.
So take care of yourself, take care of your sleep, and seek the proper help that you need.

In Summary
Whether you suffer from a sleep disorder or insomnia, or you’re a shift worker, parent of an infant, or travel through timezones often, getting a good night’s rest can be difficult. Even more difficult is resetting your circadian rhythm altogether.
The good news, however, is that there are solutions.
If you suffer from a medical condition, seek medical attention. Otherwise, by practicing proper sleep hygiene, avoiding blue light before bed, limiting caffeine consumption, and exercising daily, you’ll be well on your way to resetting your sleep-wake schedule.
“Sleep is the best meditation.”